Monday, August 20, 2007

My friend's new house

Last night, we all went to Mona's house for dinner. Nothing extraordinary - except that Mona's just moved into her new home!!!!

Moving to your own place is such a wonderful feeling. Which is of course, accompanied by extreme exhaustion and a zero bank balance. But you're just so pleased with yourself that you know the rest is transient. And feeling happy for Mona is easy. She's so full of life and sincerity, and looking at the little corners in her house, I instantly knew the efforts that went in, as well as the look of pride in her eyes she failed to hide.

It did lead to a problem for me though.

Mona and her family live in a lovely bungalow, and my daughter has been looking at me longingly since last night to urge us to move into one. The space, the complete potential of keeping more than one dog, the wind that whistles through your teeth and the chimes that lilt... I have a HUGE problem on my hands.

We live in an apartment, and it's not bad. Except we dont have a patch of green, or the freedom to keep more dogs. But...

I'm happy for Mona and her kids. And I'm happy for my daughter because she has friends she can visit, just ten min from home... Right now, I have a secret smile that mirrors Mona's... a smile that fails to hide the pride I feel for my friend... :-)

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