Monday, June 11, 2007

Leap of faith

Life isn't about holding your experiences back. It's about doing it, just right, and no more. Sadly, many of us hold back too much, and go to the other extreme too much, and end up burned, either way.

The balance is easy to draw. Just when you think it may not work out, think about what you'll lose if don't go ahead. Will you look back in regret? Will you thank your stars?

It's what I've done most of my life. And it's called the leap of faith.

I did it once - with the person I loved. 15 years ago. And because of that one decision, will continue to do it all over again in a hundred aspects of my life. Because that one leap of faith made me believe that going ahead is better than regretting.

And ten years ago, we were both blessed with a little girl, who literally defied the doctors and came into this world. It just cemented my beliefs more.

What's your story, then? Ever taken that leap of faith in people, in work, in doing something mad and nutty? I have, and have ended up being called, "Rach, you're too much." Hence, the name of my blog.

The good or bad part is, as we grow older, I continue to keep that flame alive. This blog is about sharing all that and more with all of you. And having you come forward and tell me what you did that seemed a bit mad, but turned out just right for you.

C'on. Start now.